Thursday, April 24, 2014

ABC's of Phobia's letter G ATC

Hey Guys!
Sorry I meant to get this up sooner but I let a friend borrow my laptop and me and boyfriend don't share well together. But My dear friend didn't want to sit at the in the library all day typing up papers for class which I totally get when you have papers to do and finals next week that being at home is so much better than in the library on campus. Who doesn't love their PJ's?! 

Well he it is the new ATC I made for the letter G I also was able to finish H and I too but no photos were taken yet but this one if you cannot read it Says: Gephydrophobia- the fear of crossing bridges. I happen to have painted the Might Mack... Mackinac Bridge in Northern Michigan people seem to HATE crossing this one but it's one of 3 ways to visit me in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. 

(1 Mackinac bridge from lower michigan, 2 come across the UP from Wisconsin or 3 come from Canada across the international bridge)

Also I just realized I only have posted A and now G so maybe in a couple of days I can get some pictures taken of B-F and H&I to show them off.

Thank you for stopping by if you have any questions or tips let me know either in the comments box or email me and don't for get to like me on Facebook,
Have a great day <3 lyzz!