Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Life Update

Hey guys! I realized recently I haven't logged on it like forever! So, thought I would let you know why... First last year in May I had carpal tunnel surgery with an alna (elbow) release, that turned out to have alot of issues with it. I was out of work for almost 8 weeks.Went back to work in July and by the end of October had a number of health things going on and in April I had a mostly full hysterectomy I still have my ovaries. Still recovering it is a two month recovery. So, I have been really out of touch with everyone and everything! I have made three scrapbooks and started project life. I haven't been drawing or making many ATCs or Cards in a while. I was doing some digital art on my ipad pro and some of those things are awesome!

I had this didgital piece for one of my besties when i went and stayed the weekend with her in Dec and in Feb made this for her birthday we love nautical things and we call each other hotmen from the avatar last air bender series. So I made this printed it 8x10 and framed it for her to hang when we went down to have lunch with her the day before her birthday! 


Here is one of the scrapbooks I made I took apart a notebook i had for the spiral binding and took some yellow cardstock and made some pages I really wanted it to be colorful and fun. For a family friend who's daughter passed. Melanie was a friend and like a little sister to me! We all love and miss her so much. This was a great way to help get through the one year anniversary of her passing. There are alot of fun photos and memories in this book and her mother loved it!

Other than that the only other really new thing is that we have finally set a date to get married. Brian and I have been together for 12 years and will finally be getting married on October 13th, 2018! We are both so very excited to be able to celebrate this with our friends and family. 

Also I want to share some project life spreads i have done... so look forward to those soon!

Thank you all for stopping by and I hope I can get some new things up on the 
site for everyone to see! Have a great day!
